Trading online vouchers of up to €2,500 towards ecommerce development are available to Limerick businesses. You can apply for a voucher to get online or upgrade your site. Eligible businesses can apply for up to two vouchers.
A webinar will run next Tuesday, 30th of May from 9:30-11:00 with Q&A. Note: You must attend a webinar before you apply for a voucher.
The new format webinar will explore how to get the best from your web developer and maximise your web presence.
Book Here Trading Online Information Webinar
Online Retail Scheme
The Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment (DETE) has launched a further call for Online Retail Scheme aiming to encourage the retail sector in Ireland to develop a more competitive online offer that will enable an increase in their customer base and build a more resilient business in the domestic and global marketplace both online and offline.
This is a Competitive Fund which will be administered by Enterprise Ireland on behalf of DETE with a total fund size of €3.4m.
Applications for funding are invited through a public call for submission of projects.
Recording of a webinar outlining the application and evaluation process that took place on 18th April 2023
Call Open date: 4th April 2023
Call Close date: 3rd May 2023 at 12.00pm (noon) for online application
(note the required Accounts must be submitted not later than 5.30pm on 3rd May 2023)